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Gravitational Fields (CIE A Level Physics)

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Defining Gravitational Field

  • There is a force of attraction between all masses
  • This force is known as the ‘force due to gravity’ or the weight
  • The Earth’s gravitational field is responsible for the weight of all objects on Earth
  • A gravitational field is defined as:

A region of space where a mass experiences a force due to the gravitational attraction of another mass

  • The direction of the gravitational field is always towards the centre of the mass
    • Gravitational forces cannot be repulsive

  • The strength of this gravitational field (g) at a point is the force (Fg) per unit mass (m) of an object at that point:

g space equals fraction numerator space F subscript g over denominator m end fraction

  • Where:
    • g = gravitational field strength (N kg-1)
    • Fg = force due to gravity, or weight (N)
    • m = mass (kg)

  • This equations tells us:
    • On planets with a large value of g, the gravitational force per unit mass is greater than on planets with a smaller value of g

  • On such planets such as Jupiter, an object's mass remains the same at all points in space. However, their weight will be a lot greater meaning for example, a human will be unable to fully stand up

Weight of Person on Earth and on Jupiter

gravitational field strength, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

A person’s weight on Jupiter would be so large a human would be unable to fully stand up

Worked example

Calculate the mass of an object with weight 10 N on Earth.


Step 1: State the gravitational field strength equation

g space equals fraction numerator space F subscript g over denominator m end fraction

Step 2: Rearrange to make mass the subject

m space equals fraction numerator space F subscript g over denominator g end fraction

Step 3: Substitute in the known values to calculate

m space equals fraction numerator space 10 over denominator 9.81 end fraction space equals space 1.0 space kg

Exam Tip

There is a big difference between g and G (sometimes referred to as ‘little g’ and ‘big G’ respectively), g is the gravitational field strength and G is Newton’s gravitational constant. Make sure not to use these interchangeably!

Representing Gravitational Fields

  • The direction of a gravitational field is represented by gravitational field lines
  • The gravitational field lines around a point mass are radially inwards
  • The gravitational field lines of a uniform field, where the field strength is the same at all points, is represented by equally spaced parallel lines
    • For example, the fields lines on the Earth’s surface

Gravitational Field Lines for a Point Mass and for a Uniform Gravitational Field

Gravitational field lines, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Gravitational field lines for a point mass are radial and, for a uniform gravitational field, are parallel

  • Radial fields are considered non-uniform fields
    • The gravitational field strength g is different depending on how far you are from the centre

  • Parallel field lines on the Earth’s surface are considered a uniform field
    • The gravitational field strength g is the same throughout

Exam Tip

Always label the arrows on the field lines! Gravitational forces are attractive only. Remember:

  • For a radial field: it is towards the centre of the sphere or point charge
  • For a uniform field: towards the surface of the object e.g. Earth

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Author: Leander

Leander graduated with First-class honours in Science and Education from Sheffield Hallam University. She won the prestigious Lord Robert Winston Solomon Lipson Prize in recognition of her dedication to science and teaching excellence. After teaching and tutoring both science and maths students, Leander now brings this passion for helping young people reach their potential to her work at SME.

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