Ensuring Food Supply (CIE IGCSE Biology)

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Intensive Food Production

  • Making food production more intensive means producing food more efficiently with a finite amount of land and other resources
  • Modern technology has increased food supply substantially in the following ways:
    • Agricultural machinery has replaced humans and improved efficiency due to the ability to farm much larger areas of land
    • Chemical fertilisers improve yields - fertilisers increase the amount of nutrients in the soil for plants, meaning that they can grow larger and produce more fruit
    • Insecticides and herbicides - these chemicals kill off unwanted insects and weed species, meaning that there is less damage done to plants and fruit lost to insects (insecticides), as well as reducing competition from other plant species (herbicides)
    • Selective breeding - animals and crop plants which produce a large yield are selectively bred to produce breeds that reliably produce high yields

Modern agriculture, IGCSE & GCSE Biology revision notesModern agricultural processes allows for cultivation of much larger areas of land for crop plants

Intensive Livestock Farming

  • In developed countries, large numbers of livestock are often kept in an area that would not normally be able to support more than a very small number
  • They are often fed high energy foods, regularly given medication such as antibiotics as a preventative measure against disease and kept in artificially warm temperatures and small spaces that do not allow for much movement

Advantages of intensive livestock farming

  • Less land is required to produce large amounts of food
  • Food can be produced all year round in controlled environments
  • The cost of production is lower
    • therefore food can be sold at cheaper prices
  • There is a lower requirement for labour to produce the food

Disadvantages of intensive livestock farming

  • Intensive farming techniques tend to use
    • herbicides which may result in eutrophication
    • pesticides which can cause negative effects on the foodchain
  • Ethical issues associated with cruel treatment of animals in intensive farms
  • Natural habitats may be destroyed to maximise land available
  • Ecological issues with intensive farming include:
    • reduction in biodiversity in areas where large amounts of land are used to graze cattle (as only grass is grown so in effect it becomes a monoculture)
    • overgrazing can lead to soil erosion
    • large numbers of cattle produce large amounts of methane, a greenhouse gas


  • Monoculture farming means that on a given area of agricultural land only one type of crop is grown (eg trees for palm oil grown in Indonesian rainforest)
  • This large scale growth of a single variety of plant does not happen naturally in ecosystems, where there are usually many different species of plants growing which, in turn, support many species of animals (high biodiversity)
  • In monocultures, biodiversity is much lower
  • Another issue with monocultures is the increase in pest populations – if a particular pest feeds on a crop, farming it in large areas repeatedly means there is an ample supply of food for the pest, causing the population to increase
  • Often farmers will spray insecticides onto crops in order to control the pests. This leads to:
    • harmless insects being killed as well
    • pollution by pesticides (which are often persistent chemicals which accumulate in food chains)
    • in many instances where they are used repeatedly for specific pests, the pests may eventually become resistant to them, reducing their effectiveness

Palm oil production, IGCSE & GCSE Biology revision notes Palm oil production has increased rapidly over the last 30 years

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Author: Phil

Phil has a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Birmingham, followed by an MBA from Manchester Business School. He has 15 years of teaching and tutoring experience, teaching Biology in schools before becoming director of a growing tuition agency. He has also examined Biology for one of the leading UK exam boards. Phil has a particular passion for empowering students to overcome their fear of numbers in a scientific context.

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