Component 2 and 3 Overview: Literary Heritage (Edexcel IGCSE English Literature)

Revision Note

Kate Lee


Kate Lee


English and Language Lead

If you are studying Edexcel International GCSE in English Literature (4ET1/01), you must complete Component 1, plus either Component 2 or Component 3. Component 2 is an optional examined component and Component 3 is a coursework option. 

Component 2

If you opt to study Component 2, the exam question in Section B requires you to write a 30-mark essay question from a choice of two. In either question, you will analyse how language, form, structure and contextual factors are used to create meaning and effect in your literary heritage text.

There are two sections in this exam paper:

Component 2: Modern Drama and Literary Heritage Texts  (4ET1/01)

Externally assessed 

40% of the total International GCSE

Section A

Modern Drama

  • develop skills to analyse how language, form and  structure can be used to create meaning and effect

  • develop skills to maintain a critical style and informed personal response

Section B

Literary Heritage

  • develop skills to analyse how language, form, structure and contextual factors can be used to create meaning and effect

  • develop skills to maintain a critical style and informed personal response

Component 3

If you opt to study Component 3, you must write one coursework assignment, which may be self-generated or devised by your teacher. You will be required to analyse how language, form, structure and contextual factors are used to create meaning and effect in your literary heritage text. Your assignment will be marked out of 30. 

Component 3: Modern Drama and Literary Heritage Texts  (4ET1/01)

Internally assessed 

40% of the total International GCSE

Section A

Modern Drama

  • develop skills to analyse how language, form and  structure can be used to create meaning and effect

  • develop skills to maintain a critical style and informed personal response

Section B

Literary Heritage

  • develop skills to analyse how language, form, structure and contextual factors can be used to create meaning and effect

  • develop skills to maintain a critical style and informed personal response

In Section B, you will be expected to apply your knowledge and understanding of your text, including the ways in which writers use language, form and structure to create effects. You should also understand the relationship between your text and the context in which it was written. 

You must:

  • demonstrate a close understanding of their heritage text

  • maintain a critical style

  • present an informed personal engagement

  • understand how writers create literary effects

  • understand and use appropriate literary terminology

  • understand the influence of contextual factors on the interpretation of texts

  • identify and use relevant examples from the text.

Find out more about how to answer the Literary Heritage question here.

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Kate Lee

Author: Kate Lee

Kate has over 12 years of teaching experience as a Head of English and as a private tutor. Having also worked at the exam board AQA and in educational publishing, she's been writing educational resources to support learners in their exams throughout her career. She's passionate about helping students achieve their potential by developing their literacy and exam skills.

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