Voltage & Potential Difference (Oxford AQA IGCSE Physics)

Revision Note

Ann Howell


Physics Content Creator


  • The voltage of a source is the energy supplied by a source in driving charges around a complete circuit

    • It is also called e.m.f. or the source of potential difference

    • It is measured in volts, V

  • Voltage is supplied by:

    • A cell

    • Batteries (multiple cells)

    • Electrical generator

Potential Difference

  • As charge flows around a circuit, energy is transferred to or from the charge

  • The potential difference (p.d. or voltage) across a component measures the amount of energy that is transferred by the charge flowing in the circuit to the component

    • Potential difference is also measured in volts (V)

The potential difference in a circuit

Potential difference, for IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes
The voltage of the source or e.m.f. is 12 volts. The potential difference equals the voltage across each component: 5 volts for the bulb (on the left) and 7 volts for the resistor (on the right)

Measuring potential difference

  • Potential difference (or voltage) is measured using a voltmeter

  • A voltmeter is always set up in parallel to the component you are measuring the potential difference across

Voltmeter in parallel

Voltmeter in a circuit, for IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes
Potential difference can be measured by connecting a voltmeter in parallel between two points in a circuit

Exam Tip

In your exam, questions will be asked about potential difference. In your answer you can use either term; potential difference or voltage.

Potential Difference, Energy & Charge

  • The potential difference (voltage) across a component measures the energy transfer by charges

    • Charge is measured in coulombs, C

  • The unit of voltage, the volt (V), is the same as a joule per coulomb (J/C)

1 V = 1 J/C

  • So, for example:

    • If a bulb has a potential difference of 3 V, every coulomb of charge passing through the bulb will lose 3 J of energy

  • Potential difference is calculated using the equation:

V space equals space E over Q

  • Where:

    • V is the potential difference measured in volts, V

    • E is energy transferred measured in joules, J

    • Q is charge flow measured in coulombs, C

Worked Example

The normal operating voltage for a lamp is 6 V.

Calculate how much energy the lamp transfers when 4200 C of charge flows through it.


Step 1: List the known quantities

  • Voltage, V = 6 V

  • Charge, Q = 4200 C

Step 2: State the equation linking potential difference, energy and charge

  • The equation linking potential difference, energy and charge is:

V space equals space E over Q

Step 3: Rearrange the equation to make E the subject

E space equals space V space cross times space Q

Step 4: Substitute the known values and calculate the energy transferred

E space equals space 6 space cross times space 4200

E space equals space 25 space 200 space straight J

  • Therefore, 25 200 J of energy is transferred in the lamp

Exam Tip

Think of the potential difference as being the energy per coulomb.

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Ann Howell

Author: Ann Howell

Ann obtained her Maths and Physics degree from the University of Bath before completing her PGCE in Science and Maths teaching. She spent ten years teaching Maths and Physics to wonderful students from all around the world whilst living in China, Ethiopia and Nepal. Now based in beautiful Devon she is thrilled to be creating awesome Physics resources to make Physics more accessible and understandable for all students, no matter their schooling or background.