Desert System Skills (AQA A Level Geography)

Revision Note

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Jacque Cartwright


Geography Content Creator

Hot Desert Skills

Short answer questions

  • These questions only assess knowledge (AO1) and carry 4 marks each
  • Four clear statements are needed (not always sentences) that answer the question and shows knowledge of the topic
  • Examples or details are useful but not always needed
  • Take no longer than 5 minutes to answer these questions

Climate graphs

  • Climate graphs show average rainfall and temperatures typically experienced in a particular location
  • Temperature is shown on a line graph, and rainfall on a bar graph
  • They are usually represented on the same set of axes with the months of the year along the base


An example of a climate graph for a typical hot desert region - Jeddah Saudi Arabia

Interpreting and describing climate graphs

  • Look at the overall shape of the graph
    • Is the temperature line steep or gentle?
    • Does it change throughout the year or look almost flat?
  • Look for extremes
    • Quote the highest and lowest temperature and rainfall and the month in which it occurs
    • Remember to quote units, eg celsius or millimetres
    • Identify the seasons when most or least rain falls
    • Or when the highest and lowest temperatures are experienced
  • Work out the temperature range by subtracting the lowest figure from the highest figure
  • Add the rainfall totals for each month together to work out the total annual rainfall

Worked example

Describe the climate of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

[4 marks]


  • The climate here is arid, as precipitation is 79 mm per annum [1]
  • Temperature range is mostly constant throughout the yea r[1]
  • The average annual temperature is 28.1 °C with summer high of 32.4 ‘C in August and winter low 24.6°C in January [1]
  • The driest months are May to Sept with zero mm of rain [1]
  • Wettest months are Oct to April, with a high of 26mm in Nov and a low of 2.6 mm in Feb [1]

Data response questions

  • All carry 6 marks and assess skills (AO3)
  • 'Analyse' is the frequent command word
  • Knowledge development is not needed to explain the data and will not gain credit (just waste time)
  • Simple or obvious statements will gain minimum marks
  • Always look for patterns/trends/ranges
  • Identify anomalies or countertrends
  • Re-work the data - find percentages, mean, averages, range etc. 
  • Use qualitative descriptive words - do not just copy from the resource
  • Make connections and draw relationships between different sets of data provided (compare and contrast)
  • Question or critique the data relationship or the data itself
  • Take no longer than 9 minutes to answer these questions

Data stimulus questions

  • Carry either 6 or 9 marks and assesses topic knowledge and ability to apply that knowledge to other situations (AO1 and AO2)
  • Question will usually ask for 'own knowledge' as well as a general understanding of the resource
  • Refer to the data provided, but also use the resource as an access route to demonstrate your own knowledge and understanding and how it applies to the wider concept of the resource
  • Use the same approach for data response and be prepared to make a judgement (assess)
  • Take no longer than 9 minutes for 6 marks or 12 minutes for 9 marks

Worked example

Figure 4 shows a landscape in the Namib Desert in southern Africa.

Figure 4


Note: The landforms in this landscape are aligned approximately north-west to south-east and extend from between 16 km to 32 km in length, reaching heights between 60 metres to 240 metres. The sediment source is the Orange River, several kilometres away.

Using Figure 4 and your own knowledge, assess the relative importance of factors leading to the development of this landscape.

[6 marks]


  • These are barchan dunes and the major factors in the development are these dunes are that they need ready supply of available sediments, which in this case is fine and coarse sand [1]. There needs to be a regular, consistent prevailing wind, which is shown in the figure running from northwest to southeast [1d].
  • There needs to be a smooth flat surface over which the wind can blow the sand, but also some subtle changes in the shape of the land so that sediments can collect [1]. The figure shows patches devoid of sand, but also irregularities on the surface, which would allow the sand to caught and build up [1d]
  • These three factors work together and that without a supply of sand from the Orange River, the barchans could not form [1]. Furthermore, a less reliable and consistent wind direction would quite quickly alter the shape of the dunes [d]. Finally, without the flat surface, sand would not be able to move and the figure shows clear evidence that sand has been completely removed from most places on the north west side of each dune [1d]. Without such flat surfaces the sand could not move so freely and the barchans could not establish such a recognisable shape [1d].
  • There is an equal inter-relationship between these factors which has shaped the barchans as shown in the figure. [1]

Exam Tip

Extended 9 mark questions are found only in the optional element and assesses AO1 and AO2.
You must show and highlight connections across the specification (synopticity) and relate it to the question.
Do not spend longer than 13 minutes and aim to write between 250 and 350 words.

Scatter graph

  • Points should not be connected
  • The best-fit line can be added to show the relations
  • Used to show the relationship between two variables
    • In a river study, they are used to show the relationship between different river characteristics such as the relationship between the width and depth of the river channel
Strengths Limitations
Clearly shows data correlation Data points cannot be labelled
Shows the spread of data Too many data points can make it difficult to read
Makes it easy to identify anomalies and outliers Can only show the relationship between two sets of data


Scatter graph to show the Relationship Between Width and Depth on a River Long Profile

Types of correlation

  • Positive correlation
    • As one variable increases, so too does the other
    • The line of best fit goes from the bottom left to the top right of the graph
  • Negative correlation 
    • As one variable increases the other decreases
    • The line of best fit goes from the top left to the bottom right of the graph

  • No correlation
    • Data points will have a scattered distribution
    • There is no relationship between the variables

Percentage and percentage change

  • To give the amount A as a percentage of sample B, divide A by B and multiply by 100
    • In 2020, 25 out of 360 homes in Catland were burgles. What is the percentage (to the nearest whole number) of homes burgled?
    • 25 divided by 360 cross times 100 space equals 6.94 space open square brackets space t o space n e a r e s t space w h o l e space n u m b e r close square brackets space equals 7 percent sign

  • A percentage change shows by how much something has either increased or decreased
  • P e r c e n t a g e space c h a n g e space equals fraction numerator f i n a l space v a l u e space minus o r i g i n a l space v a l u e over denominator o r i g i n a l space v a l u e end fraction cross times 100
    • In 2021 only 21 houses were burgled. What is the percentage change in Catland?
    • fraction numerator 21 minus 25 over denominator 25 end fraction cross times 100 equals negative 16 percent sign
    • There has been a decrease of 16% in the rate of burglaries in the Catland area
  • Do remember that a positive figure shows an increase but a negative is a decrease

Statistical Skills

  • This is the study and handling of data, which includes ways of gathering, reviewing, analysing, and drawing conclusions from data

Percentage and percentage change

  • To give the amount A as a percentage of sample B, divide A by B and multiply by 100
    • In 2020, 25 out of 360 homes in Catland were burgles. What is the percentage (to the nearest whole number) of homes burgled?
    • bold 25 bold divided by bold 360 bold cross times bold 100 bold space bold equals bold 6 bold. bold 94 bold space stretchy left square bracket space t o space n e a r e s t space w h o l e space n u m b e r stretchy right square bracket bold space bold equals bold 7 bold percent sign

  • A percentage change shows by how much something has either increased or decreased
  • bold italic P bold italic e bold italic r bold italic c bold italic e bold italic n bold italic t bold italic a bold italic g bold italic e bold space bold italic c bold italic h bold italic a bold italic n bold italic g bold italic e bold space bold equals fraction numerator bold f bold i bold n bold a bold l bold space bold v bold a bold l bold u bold e bold space bold minus bold o bold r bold i bold g bold i bold n bold a bold l bold space bold v bold a bold l bold u bold e over denominator bold o bold r bold i bold g bold i bold n bold a bold l bold space bold v bold a bold l bold u bold e end fraction bold cross times bold 100
    • In 2021 only 21 houses were burgled. What is the percentage change in Catland?
    • fraction numerator bold 21 bold minus bold 25 over denominator bold 25 end fraction bold cross times bold 100 bold equals bold minus bold 16 bold percent sign
    • There has been a decrease of 16% in the rate of burglaries in the Catland area
  • Remember that a positive figure shows an increase but a negative is a decrease

Mean, median, mode and range

  • Mean = average value (all the values added and divided by the number of items)
  • Median = middle value when ordered in size
  • Mode = most common value
  • Range = difference between the highest value and lowest value
Sample site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of pebbles 184 90 159 142 64 64 95

  • Taking the example above to calculate:
  • Mean -
fraction numerator bold 184 bold plus bold 90 bold plus bold 159 bold plus bold 142 bold plus bold 64 bold plus bold 64 bold plus bold 95 over denominator bold 7 end fraction bold equals bold 798 over bold 7 bold equals bold 114
  • Median - reordering by size = 64 space 64 space 90 space stretchy left square bracket 95 stretchy right square bracket space 142 space 159 space 184 = 95 is the middle value
  • Mode - only 64 appears more than once
  • Range - 184 space minus space 64 space equals space 120

Upper, lower and interquartile range

  • These are the values of a quarter (25%) [lower quartile (LQ)] and three-quarters (75%) [upper (UQ)] of the ordered data
No. of shoppers 2 3 6 6 7 9 13 14 17 22 22
      Lower quartile     Median     Upper quartile    

  • The interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between the upper (UQ) and lower quartile (LQ)
  • It measures the spread (dispersion) of data around the median
  • A large number shows the numbers are fairly spread, whereas, a small number shows the data is close to the median
  • UQ - LQ = IQ [bold 17 bold space bold minus bold space bold 6 bold space bold equals bold space bold 11]

Standard deviation

  • This measures dispersion more reliably than IQR and the symbol for it is 'σ' (sigma)
  • The formula is  bold italic sigma bold space bold equals square root of fraction numerator bold capital sigma bold space stretchy left parenthesis x space minus space x with bar on top stretchy right parenthesis to the power of bold 2 over denominator bold n end fraction end root
  • Σ means 'sum of' and begin mathsize 24px style bold x with bold bar on top end style is another way of writing 'mean' and 'n' is the number of samples taken
  • Work out individual aspects of the formula first e.g. the mean
  • Sample results:
Sample site 1 2 3 4 5
Number of pebbles 5 9 10 11 14

  1. Calculate the mean - stretchy left parenthesis 5 plus 9 plus 10 plus 11 plus 14 stretchy right parenthesis bold space bold divided by bold space bold 5 bold space bold equals bold space bold 9 bold. bold 8
  2. Calculate bold italic x bold minus bold x with bold bar on top for each number
  3. Square each of those values (the square of a negative number becomes positive)
  4. Add the squared values to give begin mathsize 20px style bold italic capital sigma begin bold style stretchy left parenthesis x minus x with bar on top stretchy right parenthesis end style end style
  5. Divide the total by 'n'
  6. Finally, find the square root

bold italic x begin mathsize 20px style bold x with bold bar on top end style bold italic x bold minus bold x with bold bar on top begin mathsize 20px style begin bold style stretchy left parenthesis x minus x with bar on top stretchy right parenthesis end style end style
5 9.8 -4.8 23.04
9 9.8 -0.8 0.64
10 9.8 0.2 0.04
11 9.8 1.2 1.44
14 9.8 4.2 17.64
bold italic capital sigma = 42.8
  • begin mathsize 20px style bold italic sigma bold space bold equals bold space square root of fraction numerator bold 42 bold. bold 8 over denominator bold 5 end fraction end root bold space bold equals bold space bold 2 bold. bold 93 bold space begin bold style stretchy left parenthesis 2 space d p stretchy right parenthesis end style end style
  • Numbers closely grouped around the mean shows a small deviation
  • A large standard deviation would show a set of numbers that were spread out

Spearman's rank correlation coefficient

  • A test to determine if two sets of numbers have a relationship
  • Not the easiest to calculate
  • Σ means 'sum of',  bold italic d is the difference and 'n' is the number of samples taken
  • The formula is bold italic r subscript bold s bold space bold equals bold space bold 1 bold space bold minus bold space fraction numerator bold 6 bold sum bold d to the power of bold 2 over denominator bold n to the power of bold 3 bold space bold minus bold space bold n end fraction
  1. Rank each number in both sets of data, with the highest number given rank 1, second highest 2 etc.
  2. Calculate 'd' which is the difference between ranks of each group e.g. ranks for group 5 are 4 and 6; difference will be 2
  3. Square value 'd' and calculate the total bold italic d to the power of bold 2 to find bold sum bold italic d to the power of bold 2
  4. Finally, calculate the coefficient of bold italic r subscript bold s using the above formula
  5. The resulting number should always be between -1 and +1

GNP ($) per capita and Life Expectancy (years)

Country GNP Rank Life Expectancy Rank bold italic d begin mathsize 24px style bold italic d to the power of bold 2 end style
1 15,124 5 73 5 0 0
2 20,535 4 72 6 2 4
3 10.432 9 68 8 1 1
4 7,050 11 62 11 0 0
5 22,950 3 76 3 0 0
6 14,800 6 75 4 2 4
7 23,752 2 77 2 0 0
8 36,875 1 79 1 0 0
9 5,525 12 61 12 0 0
10 8,678 10 66 9 1 1
11 12,211 8 65 10 2 4
12 13,500 7 70 7 0 0
begin mathsize 24px style bold italic n bold equals bold 12 end style begin mathsize 24px style bold italic capital sigma bold italic d to the power of bold 2 end style = 14

  • begin mathsize 22px style bold italic capital sigma bold italic d to the power of bold 2 bold space bold equals bold space bold 14 bold space bold italic a bold italic n bold italic d bold space bold italic n bold space bold equals bold 12 end style
  • rs =1 -6 ×14123 - 12 = 1- 841716 =1-0.048951 (0.05) = 0.95{"language":"en","fontFamily":"Times New Roman","fontSize":"18","autoformat":true}
  • (0.048951 can be rounded to 2 decimal places giving 0.05)

  • A positive result shows a positive correlation, where one variable increases so does the other
  • The closer the number is to 1, the stronger the positive correlation
  • A negative results shows a negative correlation, where one variable increases the other decreases
  • The closer the number is to -1 the stronger the negative correlation
  • If however, the correlation is or near to 0, there is no relationship

Determining significance

  • Spearman's rank may show that two sets of numbers are correlated, however, it does not show how significant the link between the two values are
  • To check for significance; a table of critical values or a graph is needed
  • This looks at the probability of the links occurring by chance 
  • A 5% or higher probability of chance is not significant evidence for a link
  • 1% or less is a significant evidence of a link
  • This is the significance level of a statistical test
  • The degrees of freedom needs calculating - n-2   {"language":"en","fontFamily":"Times New Roman","fontSize":"18","autoformat":true}
    • Using the example above:  12 - 2 = 10{"language":"en","fontFamily":"Times New Roman","fontSize":"18","autoformat":true} degrees of freedom
    • As rs = 0.95{"language":"en","fontFamily":"Times New Roman","fontSize":"18","autoformat":true} then the correlation has a less than 1% probability of being by chance
    • Therefore, there is a high significance level of a relationship between GNP and life expectancy

  Spearman’s Rank Correlation Significance Table

Degrees of Freedom 5% (0.05) 1% (0.01)
8 0.72 0.84
9 0.68 0.80
10 0.64 0.77
11 0.60 0.74
12 0.57 0.71
13 0.54 0.69
14 0.52 0.67
15 0.50 0.65
20 0.47 0.59

Exam Tip

Always check when making calculations what the question has asked you to do. Is it asking for units to be stated or calculate to the nearest whole number or quote to 2 decimal places. 

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Jacque Cartwright

Author: Jacque Cartwright

Jacque graduated from the Open University with a BSc in Environmental Science and Geography before doing her PGCE with the University of St David’s, Swansea. Teaching is her passion and has taught across a wide range of specifications – GCSE/IGCSE and IB but particularly loves teaching the A-level Geography. For the last 5 years Jacque has been teaching online for international schools, and she knows what is needed to pass those pesky geography exams.

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