Uses of Plant Hormones (AQA GCSE Biology)

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Uses of Plant Hormones

Higher tier only

  • Plant hormones can be extracted or artificially made and used by gardeners and farmers in horticulture and agriculture to usefully control plant growth to obtain larger yields for example
  • The use of auxins, ethene and gibberellins commercially has been very beneficial is helping producing food and plants for decoration
  • However the everyday use of hormones as weed killers can have a negative effect on biodiversity; as the growth of unwanted but natural plants such as weeds is inhibited
    • Many different species of plants are classed as weeds commercially, but to other organisms they are a food source and potential habitat, so destroying them can have negative effects on other organisms in the ecosystem


Higher tier only

  • Auxins can be used as selective weed killers; negatively affecting the growth of broad-leaved plants which are weeds in comparison to the narrow-leaved grasses and cereals grown as crops for food production (which are desired)
  • The growth of weeds is controlled by farmers who don’t want their yields to be smaller as a result of competition between crops and weeds for space and nutrients from the soil
    • Selective weedkillers disrupt the growth of weeds only, causing them to die
    • However once applied to a crop their spread cannot be controlled, and they could affect other plant species negatively

  • If a gardener or farmer wants to easily and cheaply produce lots of clones of a desirable plant, then they can take cuttings of the plant and dip the tips in auxins which are sold as ‘rooting powders’ as they encourage the rapid development of roots
  • The same principle as above can be used to clone plants in the lab; auxins in this way are used to promote growth in tissue culture where scrapings of cells can be taken from a desirable plant and used to produce clones in a petri dish that are then planted and allowed to grow in soil


Higher tier only

  • Ethene is used in the food industry to control ripening of fruit during storage and transport
  • It is far more effective to transport unripe fruit, as ripe fruit is softer and therefore more easily damaged and spoiled
  • The production of ethene can be inhibited to delay ripening of fruits in storage; this can either be achieved directly by adding chemicals that prevent ethene from being produced, or by reacting ethene in the air around fruit with substances that can remove it
  • When ripening needs to be encouraged (eg. when fruit is in the supermarket), artificially produced ethene gas can be released to speed up the process


Higher tier only

  • Gibberellins can be used to:
    • End seed dormancy, as a high concentration of gibberellin promotes seed germination. Gibberellin levels naturally rise after a period of dormancy (exposure to cold and dry conditions) – usually, dormancy ends with an intake of water into the seed and warmer weather
    • Promote flowering regardless of the weather conditions the plant is in
    • Increase fruit size – higher levels of gibberellin promote the development and growth of fruit

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Author: Lára

Lára graduated from Oxford University in Biological Sciences and has now been a science tutor working in the UK for several years. Lára has a particular interest in the area of infectious disease and epidemiology, and enjoys creating original educational materials that develop confidence and facilitate learning.

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