Urban Microclimates (SL IB Geography)

Revision Note





Geography Lead

Urban Microclimate Modification

  • Cities create their own microclimate domes
  • This means that they have unique:
    • Temperature ranges
    • Wind patterns
    • Clouds and precipitation rates
    • Pollution
  • Urban microclimates vary according to urban areas’ size, shape and location
  • There are several causes, some of which include:
    • Changes to land surfaces: concrete, brick and tarmac
    • Cities have fewer trees than surrounding rural areas
      • Trees shade the ground, preventing heat from the sun from being absorbed 
    • Dark rooftops and dark pavement absorb more solar radiation 
    • Tall buildings reflect and absorb sunlight  
    • Cars engines and factory exhaust produce heat
    • Fewer plants in urban settings mean that less evapo-transpiration occurs (a process that cools the air)
    • Poor building insulation means the release of heat at night
  • Within these microclimate domes, there are two levels:
    • Urban canopy - processes act in the spaces between buildings below roof level
    • Urban boundary - processes acting above roof level and extends downwind as a plume into the surrounding rural areas
  • Patterns of precipitation and air quality are extended to immediate areas via the prevailing winds

A diagram of the microclimate dome


A microclimate dome

  • Urban climates have the following characteristics:
    • Lower relative humidity
    • 2-3 weeks fewer frosts
      • Greater diurnal temperature range: higher max and min temperatures as compared to rural areas 
    • Pollution levels are higher
      • Fog and photochemical smog are likely
    • 5–10% more cloud
      • 5–15% more precipitation 
      • Increased thunderstorms
    • Lower wind speeds, with the exception of the tunnelling effect
      • Varying pressure gradients

Urban Heat Island Effect

  • The air in urban areas can be 2 - 5°C warmer than nearby rural areas 
  • This is known as the urban heat island (UHI) effect 
  • The UHI is most noticeable when there is little wind
  • The highest temperatures are found in densely built-up areas and industrial areas, where activities generate more heat
  • Temperature sinks (where temperatures fall)  are found above green spaces and water - e.g. parks and lakes
  • Temperature plateaus (where temperatures remain the same) occur in areas with the same land use - e.g. industrial areas
  • Temperature cliffs (where temperatures increase) occur when temperatures change rapidly from one land use to another - e.g. suburban housing to high-rise inner city buildings

Illustration of the urban heat island effect


Urban heat island effect


London's urban heat island - note how the isotherms curve around open areas such as Epping Forest, indicating large areas of reduced temperature. Central London shows a greater concentration of heat due to high density land use

Causes of the urban heat island effect

  • The main causes of the UHI effect are:
    • Air pollution: pollution from cars, industry, etc. increases cloud cover and produces a pollution dome. Both of these trap outgoing heat and reflect it to the surface
    • Heat from human activities: air conditioning units, heating homes and offices, etc.—all release heat into the surrounding area
    • Absorption of heat by urban surfaces: urban surfaces have a low albedo. Tall buildings reflect and absorb sunlight
    • Less evapotranspiration: removal of green spaces and trees reduces the cooling effect of evapotranspiration

Diurnal and seasonal temperatures

  • There is a larger range between daytime and night-time temperatures (diurnal range), compared to rural differences
  • In urban areas, daytime temperatures are approximately 0.6°C warmer and night-time temperatures can be up to 4°C warmer 
  • Rural areas do not store as much energy and release heat quicker than urban areas
  • Average urban summertime temperatures can be as much as 5°C warmer in mid-latitude cities, with average winter temperatures of 2°C warmer 
  • Temperatures can increase during periods of anticyclonic weather (high pressures)
    • These produce clear skies and low winds
    • Which allow greater insolation to reach urban surfaces
    • The low winds prevent warm air from being dispersed

Urban Microclimate Management

Strategies to reduce the urban heat island (UHI) effect

  • Strategies are aimed at reducing the causes of the UHI effect, which are:
    • Air pollution
    • Heat from human activities
    • Absorption of heat
    • Removal of green spaces

Reduction of air pollution

  • Reducing emissions by introducing clean air zones and congestion charges

Modifications to buildings and planning

  • Changes to building design, such as using reflective materials, can reduce the absorption of heat
  • Adding gardens to rooftops increases the amount of vegetation as well as decreasing heat absorption
  • Making buildings more energy efficient to reduce the loss of heat

Increasing green spaces

    • Parks, gardens and vegetation increase evapotranspiration, which has a cooling effect
    • The increased vegetation cover also improves air quality 

Air Pollution Patterns & Management

Air pollution patterns

  • The amount of particulates in urban areas is greater than in rural regions
  • Sources include:
    • Vehicle exhausts
    • Burning wood, coal, cigarettes, rubbish, etc. releases fine and coarse particulates
    • Construction, mining and quarrying
    • Plants and moulds generate coarse particulates such as pollen and mould spores
  • Poor urban air quality has several effects, including:
    • Respiratory problems such as asthma
    • Increasing haze through increased emissions of sulphur dioxides and nitrous oxides
    • An increase in carbon dioxide, adding to the enhanced greenhouse effect and global warming
    • Increased particulates in the atmosphere attack building facades
    • Photochemical oxidants cause eye irritations and headaches


  • Smog happens when smoke particulates, sulphur oxides, hydrocarbons, etc. mix with fog
    • The London smogs of the 1940s were caused by the sinking of cold air trapping air, pollutants in a pollution dome
    • Today smog is more likely due to photochemical reasons:
      • Sunlight reacts with the chemical pollutants in the atmosphere
      • UV light causes them to break down into secondary, harmful chemicals to form photochemical fog
    • Photochemical fog is a major problem in large cities like Los Angeles, Mexico City, Beijing, etc.
    • Smog is more common in warm, sunnier cities, as these places tend to suffer from temperature inversion fog (a layer of warm air is trapped below dense, cooler air)
      • This keeps the pollutants at the surface level

Air pollution management

  • Rapidly developing countries have some of the highest rates of air pollution and reducing urban air pollution globally, is a challenge
  • Strategies include:
    • Technical innovations
    • Vehicle restrictions
    • Government legislation

Technical innovations

  • Filters
    • Fitted to industrial gas and particulate exhausts, filters carbon out of the gases released during industrial processes
    • Catalytic converters fitted to vehicle exhausts remove harmful pollutants before being released
  • Photo-catalytic materials (smog-eating material) 
    • Façades are retrofitted to the front of old buildings or new buildings are constructed with photocatalytic concrete
    • Special tiles are coated with titanium dioxide, which is a pigment that acts as a catalyst and is also used in sunscreen
      • When UV rays hit the tiles, a reaction occurs, converting mono-nitrogen oxides (smog-producing substances) into less harmful calcium nitrate and water
  • Self-cleaning concrete (Tiocem)
    • This is photocatalytic concrete that has titanium dioxide mixed in
    • When sunlight strikes a building, nitric and nitrogen oxides will be able to break down
  • Greening the urban area
    • Improve air quality by planting trees and vegetation
    • Vertical gardens: around concrete columns and on the sides of buildings
    • Roof gardens 
    • Urban agriculture using open and derelict spaces
  • Air purification towers
    • Dutch designed “Smog Free Tower”, which is an air purifying tower that sucks in pollution and expels clean air
    • The first tower was installed in Rotterdam and cleans 3.5 million cubic metres of air per day
  • Self-driving cars
    • Studies have estimated that self-driving vehicles could improve fuel efficiency by 15–40%, which would reduce local emissions of pollutants as well as global greenhouse gases
  • Hydrogen fuel additives 
    • Additives improve fuel combustion and reduce emissions in existing vehicles
    • UK-developed 'ezero1' technology, feeds small amounts of hydrogen into the vehicle's air intake, creating a more efficient burn
  • Alternative fuels
    • Electric vehicles
    • LPG
      • Dual fuel or bi-fuel vehicles that can switch between LPG and petrol
    • Synthetic “gas to liquid” (GTL)
      • Reduced nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions of 5–37%  and particulate matter (PM) emissions of 10–38%. 
    • Natural gas can also be converted into dimethyl ether (DME) as another alternative to diesel
      • Reduces NOx emissions by around 25%, and PM emissions are virtually eliminated

Vehicle restrictions

  • Congestion charge
    • Charges for using vehicles in certain places at certain times (e.g. London's congestion charge)
    • This reduces pollution through a reduction in road traffic (London's emissions dropped 15% in its first year)
    • However, it can increase fringe/outer zone traffic and emissions as people try and avoid the charge by using alternative routes
  • Selective bans
    • Certain days and times are designated as no travel times for vehicles
  • Pedestrianisation
    • Vehicles are restricted from entering certain places at certain times
    • This reduces emissions by reducing road traffic
  • Park and ride 
    • Local authorities provide buses at the urban periphery, and they charge a flat rate for all-day parking and transportation from the parking area to the urban centre
  • Improvements to public transport
    • Improved bus services make accessing areas cheaper, faster and more efficient
    • Trams and light railway services run on lines that avoid congestion
  • Car sharing/pooling
    • Many urban centres have designated lanes for cars with two or more people in them
    • This keeps the flow of traffic moving and reduces journey times and emissions

Government legislation

  • Legislation can be local or global
  • However, according to the UN,
One in three countries in the world lack any legally mandated standards for outdoor air quality - UNEP 2021
  • Laws aim to reduce pollution by limiting emissions from industry, private and public facilities and vehicles
  • Industries are are regulated under Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC), set up under the Pollution Prevention and Control Act of 1999
    • Factories are not allowed to emit 'dark' smoke under the Clean Air Act of 1993, except in unavoidable circumstances (e.g. starting up)
    • The amount of dirt and dust emitted is also strictly monitored/controlled
    • Chimneys must have up-to date modern filters/scrubbers fitted
  • The Air Quality Standards Regulations of 2010 in the UK regulate significant air pollutants
  • Laws set air quality standards such as:
    • UK Clean Air Acts of 1956 and 1968 reduced domestic pollution through the introduction of smoke free zones
    • Industrial pollution was reduced by introducing tall chimneys, thereby dispersing pollutants higher into the atmosphere
    • The introduction of the MOT emissions test by the Road Vehicles Regulations means all vehicles have to pass an emissions test to be allowed on UK roads
    • In Scotland, roadside emissions tests are carried out and fines issued if the vehicle fails
    • Local authorities in the UK can issue fines to people leaving their engines running unnecessarily

Case Study: New Delhi

  • In 2023, New Delhi was identified as the most polluted capital city in the world
  • During 2022, schools and colleges were closed for several days at a time due to the levels of pollution
  • In November 2023, the air pollution level was 100 times the World Health Organisation's healthy limit

Causes of pollution in New Delhi

  • Over 19% of the pollution is the result of the over 3,000 industries in the area
  • New Delhi is inland so there is often little wind to move the pollution away
  • The areas around New Delhi are agricultural and crop burning in winter adds to the pollution levels
    • The use of diesel-powered irrigation pumps also contributes to emissions from agriculture
  • There are 11 coal-fired power stations in the area surrounding New Delhi
    • In 2023, all but one of the power stations exceeded the allowed emission levels
  • Many residents still use wood and biofuel for heating and cooking
  • Between 1988 and 2020, the number of cars in New Delhi increased by 3.1 million
  • Burning of waste and landfill fires
    • In April 2022, the Bhalswa landfill site caught fire and burned for twenty days
  • Methane emissions from the landfill sites
    • Since 2020, there have been 37 major methane leaks from the Ghazipur landfill site 

Impacts of pollution in New Delhi

  • A study by Greenpeace and IQAir estimated that 54,000 premature deaths in New Delhi were caused by air polllution
  • Doctors during times of high pollution report increased numbers of patients with:
    • Breathing problems
    • Irritated eyes and throats
    • Asthma
    • Lung cancer
  • The University of Chicago energy policy institute estimates that life expectancy in New Delhi is reduced by 11.9 years due to air pollution
  • Schools and colleges are frequently closed during winter due to air pollution levels
  • It is estimated that 50% of children in New Delhi have irreversible lung damage

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Author: Bridgette

After graduating with a degree in Geography, Bridgette completed a PGCE over 25 years ago. She later gained an MA Learning, Technology and Education from the University of Nottingham focussing on online learning. At a time when the study of geography has never been more important, Bridgette is passionate about creating content which supports students in achieving their potential in geography and builds their confidence.