How can we help?

Quick answers

All Save My Exams revision content is created from scratch, by our hardworking team of teachers and examiners, to mimic your real exams as closely as possible.

We’re proud to offer a lot of our resources for free but if you want to get maximum value from Save My Exams, we recommend becoming a member.

For a low fee, you will be able to access the following:

  • Answers to all topic questions & past papers (the ability to self-test is worth the price alone)
  • Access to all PDF downloads, including all revision notes & question papers
  • Access to all solution videos (currently solution videos are only available for Maths, but we’re working on videos for other subjects too)

Over 100,000 students currently use our membership plans to improve their grades.

All of our membership plans are set up to automatically renew, so you don’t need to worry about this interrupting your studies.

You can turn off automatic renewal of your membership at any time by going to My Account > Settings > Membership & Billing and clicking Cancel. Your account will change to ‘active - cancelled (will not renew)’, which means your membership will no longer automatically renew. You’ll keep full access until the end of your current membership term, at which point your membership will end.

If you change your mind, you can turn on automatic renewal by clicking ‘reactivate subscription’ via the Membership & Billing section of My Account.

Contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions on that and we will be happy to help!

Yes, you can cancel your Free Trial at any time. You won't be charged if you cancel before the trial ends, and you will still have access to all of the resources until the end of the trial period.

Please note that if you cancel on the end date this may be too late and you will be charged for the annual subscription.

You can see all of the subjects we offer here. You can also click through the subject navigation on the top of the screen for full details on all of our resources and what is available for each subject.

If your subject/exam board/level is missing, click on the “Missing Something” button at the bottom of our website and your request will be sent directly to the appropriate team. Our Content team of teachers and examiners spend months researching each exam board and creating the highest quality content possible, so it takes a while to add resources for each subject. If we get enough requests for that subject/exam board/level’s resources, we will consider adding it to the website.

For payment, we accept debit/credit cards and GooglePay (their app must be installed on your device to see this payment option.)

Payment is taken in full upfront for our subscriptions and you will have full access to every resource we have on our website.

If you have any other questions about that, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!

When you select “Sign up With Google”, your Google account details will be used to log into your Save My Exams account.

The next time you visit our website, if you are using the same device that you signed up with, you should be automatically logged in when you choose “Continue with Google”.

If you are using a different device to log in, you will need to select “Continue with Google” and use the same Google account details to log in.

If you no longer remember your Google password you will need to reset it via your Google account settings.

All Past Papers and Mark Schemes for those Past Papers are available to download and print. Furthermore, the Question Papers for our Topic Questions are also available to download and print to use as you wish for your revision needs.

You won't be able to download or edit Mark Schemes and Model Answers for our Topic Questions/past paper topic questions due to copyright reasons, but please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you have any other questions and we will be more than happy to help!

Every group of courses we have are built from the bottom up, starting with past papers. If your course has only past papers on offer on our website, fear not! Our expert Content Teams will be adding more resources, like revision notes and topic questions, in the future, so keep an eye out for that.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Our support team is on hand to answer your queries in a snap. Simply email [email protected] or send us a message.