
GCSE Past Papers

Welcome to the GCSE Past Papers page! Here, you'll find a collection of past exam papers for different subjects to help you prepare for your GCSE exams. Use these papers in your revision. Remember, the more you practise, the better prepared you'll be.

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Past papers by exam board

Here’s what our experts say about getting ready for your GCSE exams

Chemistry Expert Stewart Hird

By studying lots of past papers, you will begin to pick up patterns of which topics come up most often and are worth putting those extra hours into.

Stewart Hird

Chemistry Expert

Chemistry Expert Richard Boole

How do you use the mark scheme? Work backwards! Open a mark scheme up and see if you can work out what the question is. The closer your question is to the actual question, the better you know that topic (which means you can spend less time revising that topic and more time on less familiar ones).

Richard Boole

Chemistry Expert