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Whether you’re a student striving for academic excellence or an educator committed to empowering students, our curated content is designed to enhance your revision journey.

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Exam Guides

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Understanding the reflex arc in GCSE Biology

6 min read

How to revise effectively for your Physics GCSE exam: tips for success

9 min read

How to Analyse Language in an English Language Exam

7 min read

Useful Resources

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How Students Can Use Mind Maps for GCSE Biology Revision

5 min read
A set of Save My Exams flashcards

How do I use Flashcards for revision?

5 min read

GCSE Maths Formulae Sheets: Your Essential Preparation Guide

9 min read

A Level Choices

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What are the best A Level combinations and subjects for a Computer Science degree?

6 min read

What are the best A Level combinations for a Business degree?

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Chooisng A Level Subjects - woman writing in her notebook

Choosing A Level Subjects

13 min read

Exam Dates & Timetables

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How to make a GCSE Revision Timetable

8 min read
Image of calendar - A Level as AS Level exam dates

A Level and AS Level Exam Dates 2024

20 min read
O Level Exam Dates illustration

O Level Exam Dates 2024

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University Advice

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What Is A Gap Year? | Gap Year Ideas

6 min read

Guide to University Clearing [Updated 2024]

3 min read

What are UCAS Points?

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What is Hyperbole?

6 min read

What is Irony?

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What is a metaphor GCSE A Level literary device technique

What is a Metaphor?

6 min read
woman holding green leafed seedling

Celebrating Earth Day 2024: Protecting Our Planet for Generations to Come

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Cop28 Climate Change Conference - Environmental Summit

The Impact of COP28: A Catalyst for Environmental Change?

3 min read
IB Maths Symposium - Illustration

IB Maths SL Practice Papers (IB Symposium)

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Results Day

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What free stuff can you score on GCSE results day?

7 min read
A Level Results Day - Image of happy A Level students

A Level Results Day 2024

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GCSE Results Day 2024

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Our commitment to content excellence illustration

Our Commitment to Content Excellence

5 min read
Save My Exams Scholarhsip Terms & Conditions

Scholarship Terms & Conditions

4 min read
Using our illustrations and images fair use illustration

Using Our Illustrations & Images

2 min read


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Energy Models In Teaching and Assessment

6 min read

Teachers reveal the trickiest Science & Maths exam questions and how to handle them

2 min read

Gender Bias In Science

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TikTok Study Trends  - student revising on tiktok app

TikTokers Reveal The Biggest Viral Study Trends Right Now

3 min read

Teachers React To Viral TikTok Study Trends

3 min read

Revision Tips

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How to Revise for Geography GCSE Exams

12 min read

How to supercharge your GCSE revision with flashcards

11 min read

Organisations for GCSE Biology revision tips: prep like a pro

8 min read

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