
Past Papers

Our extensive collection of past exam papers is the perfect tool for students aiming to ace their exams and for teachers seeking reliable resources to support their students’ learning journey. Here, you’ll find an array of past exam papers, meticulously organised to simplify your search.

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Here’s what our experts say about using past exam papers to get exam ready

Chemistry Expert Stewart Hird

Past papers give you a great insight into the mind of the examiner. Sometimes they can be very particular about how you need to express your answers, so this is where the mark schemes can be helpful in your exam preparation

Stewart Hird

Chemistry Expert

Chemistry Expert Caroline Carroll

Answering past papers is a great way to help you identify those areas that still need more work, so use them during your revision process as a diagnostic tool. Always leave some past papers to complete closer to the exam to complete without your books and under timed conditions to develop your exam technique

Caroline Carroll

Chemistry Expert