Carboxylic Acids & Derivatives (AQA A Level Chemistry): Exam Questions

3 hours29 questions
1a1 mark

State the general formula of a carboxylic acid.

1b1 mark

Name the carboxylic acid shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

1c3 marks

i) Write a word equation to show the dissociation of the acid from part (b), repeated in Figure 1.

Figure 1


ii) State where the position of the equilibrium lies and what this says about the strength of the acid.

1d3 marks

Write a balanced symbol equation, including state symbols, for the reaction of propanoic acid with sodium hydrogen carbonate powder to form the soluble sodium propanoate salt and two other products.

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2a1 mark

Esters are formed from the condensation reaction between an alcohol and carboxylic acid.

What is meant by the phrase condensation reaction?

2b2 marks

Name the parent carboxylic acid and alcohol required to produce methyl propanoate.

2c3 marks

The volatility of esters can be exploited as a test for the presence of alcohols using the following method.

  1. Warm the unknown substance with ethanoic acid and a concentrated sulfuric acid catalyst

  2. Add warm sodium carbonate solution

  3. Gently warm the mixture

State what is happening in each of the three steps.

Step 1:____________________________________

Step 2:____________________________________

Step 3:____________________________________

2d1 mark

Suggest why using acidified potassium dichromate(VI) solution is more commonly used to test for alcohols.

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3a3 marks

State three uses of esters.

3b1 mark

Esters can be used as plasticisers by being added to a polymer. Describe what a plasticiser does.

You do not need to explain how the plasticiser works.

3c2 marks

Chloroethene is also known as vinyl chloride, shown in Figure 1, can be used as a monomer to produce polychloroethene, which is also known as polyvinyl chloride or PVC.

Complete Figure 1 by drawing the polymer formed by the addition polymerisation of chloroethene.

Figure 1

3d3 marks

The polymer chains of polychloroethene can arrange themselves into layers as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2


In this form, polychloroethene is relatively strong and rigid and used for drainpipes and guttering. The addition of a plasticising ester alters these physical properties so that the polychlororethene can be used for clingfilm. 

Explain how a plasticising ester affects this structure.

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4a1 mark

Glycerol, shown in Figure 1, is a common chemical involved with fats, oils, soap and biodiesel.

Figure 1

Chemical structure of glycerol, featuring a three-carbon backbone with hydroxyl (OH) groups attached to each carbon atom.

Give the systematic IUPAC name of glycerol.

4b3 marks

Stearic acid, shown in Figure 2, can react with glycerol in the presence of an acid catalyst to form the triglyceride, tristearin.

This reaction is an esterification reaction but can also be described as a condensation reaction as three molecules of water are eliminated.

Figure 2


Draw the structure of the triglyceride formed. 

4c2 marks

Natural occurring triglycerides can be converted to biodiesel.

Define biodiesel.

4d2 marks

State the reagent, including the number of molecules, needed to transesterify a triglyceride into biodiesel.

4e1 mark

Hydrolysis of vegetable oils and animal fats can produce soap.

The mixture produced during this hydrolysis contains glycerol and the salts of the fatty acids. These fatty acid salts are the soap.

State if the hydrolysis reaction to produce soap is acid hydrolysis or alkaline hydrolysis.

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5a2 marks

The skeletal formulae of two carboxylic acid derivatives are shown in Figure 1 and 2.

Figure 1


i) State the name of the carboxylic acid derivative in Figure 1

Figure 2


ii) State the name of the carboxylic acid derivative in Figure 2.

5b2 marks

Ethanoyl chloride reacts with ethanol to form ethyl ethanoate as shown in Figure 3. 

Figure 3


i) Name the other product formed in this reaction.

ii) This reaction can be described as an esterification reaction or an acylation reaction. Explain why this reaction can also be described as a condensation reaction.

5c1 mark

Aspirin can be manufactured by the reaction of salicylic acid with ethanoyl chloride or ethanoic anhydride. 

The first step of the reaction is the protonation of the ethanoic anhydride by an acid  catalyst. 

The reaction then proceeds according to the mechanism shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4


Name the mechanism.

5d2 marks

State two reasons why aspirin synthesis normally uses ethanoic anhydride rather than ethanoyl chloride.

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1a2 marks

Esters are responsible for various sweet, flowery and fruity smells. Some confectionery products use synthetic esters to achieve their aroma.

A student reacted acids and alcohols together  to form ethyl methanoate (raspberry essence) and ethyl butanoate (pineapple essence).

Write word and symbol equations to show the reactions that would produce these esters.

1b5 marks

Octyl ethanoate can be manufactured or extracted from oranges and grapefruits. It is a flammable ester with a boiling point of 211 oC, a flash point of 86 oC and a density of 0.87 g/cm3.

A student reacted an acid and an alcohol in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid to make an immiscible sample of octyl ethanoate. They added warm, aqueous sodium carbonate solution to remove any excess acid.

i) Explain why distillation would not work to safely obtain the octyl ethanoate.

ii) Describe the equipment that the student could use to safely obtain their octyl ethanoate and explain how this equipment would work.

1c4 marks

Propan-2-ol reacts with ethanoic acid in the presence of a suitable catalyst

i) Write an equation for the reaction, name the organic product and clearly show its structure

ii) Suggest a suitable homogeneous catalyst for the reaction. 

1d2 marks

The same organic product, from part (c), was synthesised using an alternative method.

Name an alternative reagent to react with the alcohol to form the organic product in part (c) and name the other product formed as part of the reaction.

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2a3 marks

Write a balanced equation to show the formation of the following tri-ester, shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1

2b3 marks

Esters can undergo hydrolysis reactions.

 Hydrolysis is performed on the cyclic ester shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2


 i) State the reaction conditions needed for alkaline hydrolysis of the ester in Figure 2 to occur.

 ii) Deduce the displayed formula of the organic product formed from acid hydrolysis of the cyclic ester.

2c3 marks

Vegetable oils are often reacted with methanol in the manufacture of biodiesel.

Figure 3


 Write the equation for the reaction of the vegetable oil shown in Figure 3 with methanol.

2d2 marks

The vegetable oil shown in Figure 3, from part (c), was used to make soap.

State the reagent and conditions for the saponification reaction and draw the structure of one possible soap product formed. 

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3a5 marks

Aspirin and paracetamol are two of the most common pharmaceutical drugs. They are both manufactured using acylation reactions.

Paracetamol can be made by the reaction of ethanoyl chloride with 4-aminophenol, shown in Figure 1

Figure 1


Name and outline the mechanism for this reaction.

3b2 marks

In the manufacture of paracetamol and aspirin, ethanoic anhydride is usually used instead of ethanoyl chloride. 

State two reasons, other than cost, that ethanoic anhydride would be used.

3c5 marks

Aspirin and paracetamol are recrystallised to purify the solids while removing any unwanted impurities.

Describe the process of recrystallisation, including steps to minimise early crystallisation of the solid.

3d3 marks

The purity of a solid can be checked by determining its melting point. Typically a melting point range of 2 oC suggests that the solid is fairly pure.

Describe how to measure the melting point range of a solid.

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4a3 marks

Carnauba wax is found in automobile waxes and can be extracted from the Brazilian wax palm tree. A component of carnauba wax is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1


Components such as this can be synthesised via esterification, according to the general equation:


The reagents are typically heated with an acid catalyst. Explain the effect that using excess alcohol will have on the overall yield of the ester. 

4b3 marks

Butan-1-ol can be used to make the same ester using either ethanoic acid or ethanoyl chloride. Both reactions can be described as condensation reactions.

Write equations for both reactions, including the name of the organic product, and explain why both reactions can be classified as condensation reactions.

4c7 marks

A student used ethanoyl chloride in two separate condensation reactions.

Reaction 1 involved the addition of ethanol; while reaction 2 saw the addition of ammonia. Both reactions were vigorous and white fumes were observed in both reactions.

Figure 2


Reaction 1 was set up as shown in Figure 2 to confirm the identity of the chemical responsible for the white fumes.

i) Identify the chemical responsible for the white fumes in reaction 1. Describe suitable reagents, with expected observations, to prove the identity of this chemical.

ii) Name the organic product and identify the chemical(s) responsible for the white fumes in reaction 2.

4d2 marks

A student reacted propanoic acid with ethylamine.

Draw and name the structure of the organic product.

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5a5 marks

A common method for esterification is to react an alcohol with an acyl chloride.

Name and outline the mechanism for the reaction of butan-2-ol with ethanoyl chloride.

5b3 marks

Another method for esterification is the reaction of an alcohol with an acid anhydride.

Write an equation to show the formation of propyl ethanoate using this method.

5c3 marks

Acyl chlorides undergo various reactions with water, alcohols, ammonia and primary amines.

Ethanamide is the product of a chemical reaction.

Identify the necessary reactants and name the other product.

5d4 marks

Ethanoyl chloride can react with primary aliphatic and aromatic amines to produce different amides.

i) Explain why ethanoyl chloride is quicker to react with ethylamine than phenylamine. 

ii) Identify the products of the two reactions and suggest how the nitrogen product can be classified.

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1a4 marks

Outline a method, using esterification, to test for the suspected presence of an alcohol in an unknown sample. 

1b4 marks

Ester A is responsible for a raspberry scent and has the molecular formula C5H10O2.

Ester A can be produced by the reaction of an acid with a branched primary alcohol.

Identify the acid and alcohol used to prepare ester A.

Draw and name ester A.

1c3 marks

Explain why the solubility of esters in water decreases as the chain lengths of the ester increase.

1d6 marks

Compare the structure and bonding of butanoic acid, ethyl ethanoate and pentan-1-ol to place them in order from most to least volatile.

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2a2 marks

3-oxocyclopentane-1-carbaldehyde, shown in Figure 1, reacts with Tollens’ reagent to give a weakly acidic product, compound A.

Figure 1


Draw the structure of compound A and state any observations that occur in this reaction.

2b2 marks

Explain why compound A does not readily undergo nucleophilic addition elimination with propylamine to produce an amide.

2c2 marks

3-oxocyclopentanecarboxylic acid, from part (a), reacts with thionyl chloride, SOCl2

The products of this reaction are two acidic gases and compound B, which is a functional group isomer of 3-oxocyclopentane carboxylic acid with a molecular mass of 146.5 g mol-1.

Write the equation for this reaction using displayed formulae for the organic compounds.

2d3 marks

Compound C shown in Figure 2 can undergo acid hydrolysis.

Figure 2


Draw the skeletal formulas of the three carboxylic acid containing compounds that are produced in this reaction.

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3a2 marks

There is a group of compounds called acid derivatives, which can be represented by the general structure shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1


Outline the mechanism for the general reaction of an acid derivative, RCOZ, with a nucleophile, Nu-.

3b3 marks

State three factors that affect how readily the acid derivative, shown in part (a), reacts with a nucleophile.

3c2 marks

In a reaction, ethanoyl chloride reacts with an excess of ammonia.

A student proposes the following equation to represent the reaction.

CH3COCbold italic l + NH3 → CH3CONH2 + HCbold italic l

Correct and explain the student’s error.

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4a1 mark

The naturally occurring triester, shown in Figure 1, was heated under reflux with excess aqueous sodium hydroxide. The resulting reaction mixture was then distilled.

Figure 1


Give the correct IUPAC name for the first compound to be distilled from the reaction mixture.

4b2 marks

Name the three chemicals that remain in the distillation flask after the first product has distilled off and give a use for these chemicals.

4c2 marks

Describe the reaction conditions required to produce biodiesel from the triester shown in part (a).

4d2 marks

Glycerol is a by-product of the formation of biodiesel and the process of saponification.

Explain why glycerol is often used in medicinal creams and ointments.

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