GCSE Computer Science Topics by Exam Board: Full List
Written by: Robert Hampton
Reviewed by: James Woodhouse
Last updated

As a student studying GCSE Computer Science in the UK, schools can choose between four main exam boards to deliver the qualification: OCR, AQA, Edexcel, and WJEC.
But how are they different? In this article, we will show you which topics each exam board covers and how they are grouped in assessment. By the end, you will know exactly what topics to revise for your exam. Plus, links to helpful revision resources to support you.
OCR GCSE Computer Science Topics
1. Systems architecture
This topic is all about the Central Processing Unit (CPU) and its role within a computer system. You will learn about the purpose of the CPU, the common components and their function, along with key aspects of the Von Neumann architecture, a foundation for modern computing.
You will also learn about the factors that impact CPU performance and the role of the CPU in embedded systems.
Topics include:
Architecture of the CPU
CPU performance
Embedded systems
2. Memory and storage
This topic covers the need for both primary and secondary storage in a computer system. You will learn the purpose of RAM and ROM as well as the common types of storage: Optical, magnetic, and solid state.
You will also learn the units of data storage and how common types of data are stored: Numbers, characters, images, and sound.
This topic also covers common scenarios where compression may be needed to reduce the size of data being stored on secondary storage.
Topics include:
Primary storage (memory)
Secondary storage
Data storage
3. Networks and topologies
In this topic, you will study the different types of networks. You will learn about the hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers and how the Internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks works.
This topic also covers wired and wireless modes of connection and the common protocols used to enable the transfer of data: TCP/IP, HTTP, and IMAP are just a few.
Finally, in this topic you will be introduced to the concept of layers, the benefits of using them and the principle of encryption to secure data across network connections.
Topics include:
Networks and topologies
Wired and wireless networks, protocols and layers
4. Network security
This topic explores the common threats to computer systems and networks including malware, social engineering, and the concept of SQL injection.
You will gain an understanding of how to limit the threats posed and knowledge of methods to remove vulnerabilities.
Topics include:
Threats to computer systems and networks
Identifying and preventing vulnerabilities
5. Systems software
This topic covers the purpose and functionality of the operating system. It covers functions such as the user interface, memory management, and peripheral management.
You will also learn about utility software, and how this performs housekeeping tasks in a computer system.
Topics include:
Operating systems
Utility software
6. Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology
In this topic, you’ll learn about legislation relevant to Computer Science. You will cover laws such as The Data Protection Act 2018 and the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and learn the specific actions they allow or prohibit.
You will also explore the impacts of digital technology on wider society and learn the need to license software and the purpose of a software licence.
Topics include:
Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impact
7. Algorithms
This topic covers the principles of computational thinking and how they are used to define and refine problems. You will learn how to correct, interpret, correct, complete, and refine algorithms using pseudocode, flowcharts, and a reference/high-level programming language.
You will also explore standard searching and sorting algorithms, including how to apply the algorithms to a data set. You’ll learn how to identify an algorithm if given the code, pseudocode, or reference language for it.
Topics include:
Computational thinking
Designing, creating, and refining algorithms
Searching and sorting algorithms
8. Programming fundamentals
In this topic, you will cover the practical use of a variety of programming techniques in a high-level language within the classroom. You will learn the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a program: Sequence, selection, and iteration.
You will also cover the use of data types and learn how to choose suitable data types for data in a given scenario.
Finally, in this topic, you’ll learn the practical use of additional programming techniques such as string manipulation, basic file handling, and the use of SQL to search for data.
Topics include:
Programming fundamentals
Data types
Additional programming techniques
9. Producing robust programs
This topic covers the issues a programmer should consider to ensure that a program caters for all likely inputs, and how to deal with invalid data in a program. You will understand the concept of program maintainability and learn methods such as commenting, indentation, and the use of sub-programs.
You will also learn the purpose of testing, the types of testing that are carried out on programs, and learn to identify syntax and logic errors.
Topics include:
Defensive design
10. Boolean logic
In this topic, you will learn how to create, complete, or edit logic diagrams and truth tables for given scenarios. You will learn simple logic operators AND, OR, and NOT and how to apply logical operators to solve problems.
Topics include:
Boolean logic
11. Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments
This topic covers the difference between high-level and low-level programming languages and the need for translation. You will learn the benefits and drawbacks of using a compiler or an interpreter to translate high-level program code.
You will also learn the common tools and facilities available in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and practice them within at least one IDE.
Topics include:
The Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
What is Covered in OCR GCSE Computer Science Paper 1&2?
OCR GCSE Computer Science | |
Paper 1 50% of your final mark | Paper 2 50% of your final mark |
Revision Resources for OCR GCSE Computer Science
For high-quality revision resources for the OCR GCSE Computer Science exam, visit our OCR Computer Science revision resources for access to:
AQA GCSE Computer Science Topics
1. Fundamentals of algorithms
This topic explores the essential principles behind algorithms, including their representation, efficiency, and implementation. You will gain an understanding of how algorithms are designed to solve problems systematically and how they are represented in various forms, such as pseudocode, flowcharts, and program code.
You will also delve into searching and sorting algorithms, comparing their mechanics, efficiency, and use cases.
Topics include:
Representing algorithms
Efficiency of algorithms
Searching algorithms
Sorting algorithms
2. Programming
This topic covers the theoretical and practical elements of programming required for the AQA GCSE Computer Science course. You will explore core concepts such as data types, programming constructs, and robust programming techniques. There is also a focus on structured programming, arithmetic, and Boolean operations.
You will also learn how to write secure and reliable code, develop solutions using data structures, and test your programs effectively.
Topics include:
Data types
Programming concepts
Arithmetic operations in a programming language
Relational operations in a programming language
Boolean operations in a programming language
Data structures
String handling operations in a programming language
Random number generation in a programming language
Structured programming and subroutines
Robust and secure programming
3. Fundamentals of data representation
This topic introduces how data is represented within computer systems. You will study number bases, character encoding, and the representation of images and sound. You will also explore data compression techniques and their importance in modern computing.
Topics include:
Number bases
Converting between number bases
Units of information
Binary arithmetic
Character encoding
Representing images
Representing sound
Data compression
4. Computer systems
This topic focuses on helping you understand the core components of computer systems, including hardware, software, and systems architecture. You will also explore Boolean logic, software classification, and programming languages and translators.
Topics include:
Hardware and software
Boolean logic
Software classification
Classification of programming languages and translators
Systems architecture
5. Fundamentals of computer networks
This topic explores how computer networks are designed, implemented, and maintained. You will learn about different types of networks, protocols, and network security measures.
Topics include:
Network types and topologies
Network protocols
TCP/IP model
Network security
6. Cyber security
This topic examines the importance of protecting your data and systems from cyber threats. You will learn about common threats, methods to detect and prevent them, and ethical considerations in cyber security.
Topics include:
Fundamentals of cyber security
Cyber security threats
Methods to detect and prevent cyber security threats
7. Relational databases and SQL
This topic introduces the concept of relational databases and how structured query language (SQL) is used to interact with them. You will learn how to retrieve, modify, and manage data efficiently.
Topics include:
Relational databases
Structured query language (SQL)
8. Ethical, legal, and environmental impacts of digital technology
This topic explores how digital technologies impact society, focusing on ethical, legal, and environmental issues. You will study topics such as privacy, cyber security, and the societal effects of emerging technologies.
Topics include:
Ethical, legal, and environmental impacts of digital technology on wider society
Privacy issues
What is Covered in AQA GCSE Computer Science Paper 1&2?
AQA GCSE Computer Science | |
Paper 1 50% of your final mark | Paper 2 50% of your final mark |
Revision Resources for AQA GCSE Computer Science
For high-quality revision resources for the AQA GCSE Computer Science exam, visit the AQA homepage for access to:
Edexcel GCSE Computer Science Topics
1. Computational thinking
This topic focuses on the key computational thinking skills you will need to design, implement, and analyse algorithms for solving problems. You will also learn to use flowcharts, pseudocode, and program code to represent algorithms effectively.
Topics include:
Decomposition and abstraction
Truth tables
2. Data
This topic explores how computers represent different types of data using binary. You will learn about binary and hexadecimal conversions, data representation for characters, images, and sound, as well as data compression methods.
Topics include:
Data representation
Data storage and compression
3. Computers
This topic covers the hardware and software components that make up a computer system. You will learn about system architecture, the role of memory and secondary storage, operating systems, and programming languages.
Topics include:
Programming languages
4. Networks
This topic introduces you to the principles of computer networks and their organisation. You will study the types of networks, how data is transmitted, and the role of network protocols and security measures.
Topics include:
Network security
5. Issues and impact
This topic examines the influence of digital technology on society and its associated environmental, ethical, and legal issues. You will also learn about cybersecurity threats and methods to protect digital systems.
Topics include:
Environmental issues
Ethical and legal issues
6. Problem solving with programming
This topic focuses on developing your ability to design, write, and debug programs using high-level programming languages. You will learn to apply programming constructs, work with data types and structures, and use subprograms effectively.
Topics include:
Developing code
Data types and structures
What is Covered in Edexcel GCSE Computer Science Paper 1&2?
Edexcel GCSE Computer Science | |
Paper 1 50% of your final mark | Paper 2 50% of your final mark |
Revision Resources for Edexcel GCSE Computer Science
For high-quality revision resources for the Edexcel GCSE Computer Science exam, visit the Edexcel homepage for access to:
WJEC GCSE Computer Science Topics
1. Hardware
This topic explores the fundamental components of computer systems, including architecture, storage, and embedded systems. You will also learn about the role and characteristics of various hardware components.
Topics include:
Primary storage
Secondary storage
Storage requirements
Other hardware components
Embedded systems
2. Logical operations
This topic introduces you to Boolean logic and logical operators. You will learn to simplify Boolean expressions and use truth tables to solve problems.
Topics include:
Logical operators
Boolean logic
3. Communication
This topic examines computer networks, including their characteristics, organisation, and protocols. You will also learn about internet technologies, routing, and the TCP/IP model.
Topics include:
4. Organisation and structure of data
This topic focuses on how data is represented, stored, and structured within computer systems. You will explore concepts such as binary, hexadecimal, and the storage of characters, graphics, and sound.
Topics include:
Representation of numbers
Representation of graphics and sound
Storage of characters
Data types
Data structures
File design
Data validation and verification
5. System software
This topic explores the purpose and functionality of operating systems and utility software. You will learn how system software manages resources and provides interfaces for users.
Topics include:
Managing resources
Providing an interface
Utility software
6. Principles of programming
This topic introduces you to the characteristics of high-level and low-level programming languages. You will learn about their purposes and applications in computer systems.
Topics include:
Levels of computer language
7. Software engineering
This topic explores the role of software development tools, including integrated development environments (IDEs), in creating and debugging programs.
Topics include:
Software tools
8. Program construction
This topic examines how programs are constructed using compilers, interpreters, and assemblers. You will also learn about the compilation process and programming errors.
Topics include:
Compilers, interpreters, and assemblers
9. Security and data management
This topic covers methods to secure and manage data within computer systems. You will learn about data security, compression, backups, and methods to protect against cyberattacks.
Topics include:
Data security
Data management
Network security
10. Ethical, legal, and environmental impacts of digital technology
This topic explores the broader impacts of digital technology on society. You will study issues relating to ethics, legislation, and environmental concerns.
Topics include:
Ethical impacts
Environmental issues
11. Problem solving
This topic introduces you to systematic approaches to solving computational problems. You will learn to use decomposition, abstraction, and algorithms effectively.
Topics include:
Problem solving
Algorithms and programming constructs
12. Algorithms and programming constructs
This topic focuses on defining, writing, and refining algorithms using methods such as pseudocode and flowcharts. You will learn to apply programming constructs, handle strings, and implement mathematical and logical operations. Sorting, searching, and testing algorithms are also key areas of study.
Topics include:
Programming constructs
String handling
Mathematical operations
Logical operations
Testing and evaluation
13. Programming languages
This topic focuses on designing and writing programs using markup, object-oriented, and assembly languages. You will learn to develop solutions using various programming techniques.
Topics include:
Markup languages
Object-oriented languages
Assembly language
14. Data structures and data types
This topic explores the implementation of data structures and the use of different data types in programming. You will also learn about variables, constants, and their scope and lifetime.
Topics include:
Implementing data structures
Implementing data types
Variables and constants
15. Security and authentication
This topic focuses on the importance of security in programming and networks. You will learn about techniques such as validation and authentication.
Topics include:
Security techniques
16. Software development (non-exam assessment)
This topic focuses on the practical application of programming concepts. You will analyse problems, design solutions, and develop programs to meet given scenarios. Testing and further development are also key elements.
Topics include:
Scope of the problem
Refinement log
Effectiveness of solution
Technical quality
Test strategy
Further development
What is Covered in WJEC GCSE Computer Science Assessment?
WJEC GCSE Computer Science | ||
Unit 1 50% of your final mark | Unit 2 30% of your final mark | Unit 3 20% of your final mark |
Revision Resources for WJEC GCSE Computer Science
For high-quality revision resources for the WJEC GCSE Computer Science exam, visit the WJEC homepage for access to:
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Explore Our GCSE Computer Science Resources
OCR GCSE Computer Science Specification
AQA GCSE Computer Science Specification
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