The diagram below shows an alveolus (plural alveoli).

Explain one feature seen in the alveolus in the diagram which allows efficient gas exchange.
Label the diagram in part (a), using an 'X', indicate where the oxygen content of the blood is the highest.
The estimated surface area of the lung system of a new-born baby is 4.2 m2; this is around one twentieth of the overall surface area of a typical adult's lungs.
Calculate the overall surface area of a typical adult's lungs.
The following list contains structures found within the breathing system.
structure | order |
bronchus |
nasal cavity |
alveolus | 1 |
trachea |
bronchioles |
Complete the table by numbering the structures to show the sequence in which air passes through them during an exhalation. The first structure has been numbered for you.
Describe the actions of the intercostal muscle and diaphragm during inhalation.
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