Proxima Centauri is the closest star to Earth.
Fig. 24.1 shows the apparent positions of this star against the background of very distant stars as seen from the Earth over a period of exactly 6 months.

Fig. 24.1
The parallax angle for Proxima Centauri can be determined from Fig. 24.1 using the data provided.
i) Show that the parallax angle p for Proxima Centauri is about 0.8 arc second.
ii) Use your answer in (i) to calculate the distance d of Proxima Centauri from the Earth in light-years (ly).
1 pc = 3.26 ly
d = ........................................ ly [2]
The galaxies in the Universe may be assumed to be distributed uniformly through space. In this model, the separation between two neighbouring galaxies is 1.4 × 1023 m and each galaxy occupies a cube of space of volume 2.7 × 1069 m3 as shown in Fig. 24.2.

Fig. 24.2
There are on average 1011 stars in each galaxy and the mass of an average star is about 2.0 × 1030 kg.
i) Estimate the gravitational force between two neighbouring galaxies.
force = ....................................... N [2]
ii) Show that the mean density of the Universe is about 7 × 10–29 kgm–3.
iii) Suggest why the actual mean density of the Universe is different from the value calculated in (ii).
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