Induced Magnetism (Oxford AQA IGCSE Combined Science Double Award)

Revision Note

Ann Howell


Physics Content Creator

Induced Magnetism

  • An induced magnet is a material that becomes a magnet when it is placed in a magnetic field

  • Induced magnetism always causes a force of attraction

  • When removed from the magnetic field, the material will lose its induced magnetism quickly

Magnetic materials

  • Very few metals in the Periodic Table are magnetic

  • The magnetic metals are:

    • Iron

    • Cobalt

    • Nickel

  • Steel is an alloy which contains iron, so it is also magnetic

Magnetic materials

Magnetic Materials, for IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes
Magnetic materials are attracted to a magnet; non-magnetic materials are not
  • Magnetic materials (which are not magnets) will always be attracted to the magnet, regardless of which pole is held close to it

Magnets and magnetic materials

Magnetic Materials for IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes
Magnetic materials are attracted to both poles of a permanent magnet
  • Bringing a material close to a known magnet will determine if the material is magnetic, non-magnetic or if it is a magnet itself

    • It is a magnet if it is repelled by the known magnet

    • It is a magnetic material if it is attracted to the known magnet

    • It is a non-magnetic material if it is neither attracted nor repelled by the known magnet

Types of magnets

  • There are two types of magnets

    • Permanent magnets

    • Induced magnets

Permanent magnets

  • Permanent magnets are made out of permanent magnetic materials (materials that are always magnetic), for example, steel

  • A permanent magnet will produce its own magnetic field

    • It will not lose its magnetism

Induced magnets

  • When a magnetic material is placed in a magnetic field, the material is temporarily turned into a magnet

    • This is called induced magnetism

  • When magnetism is induced in a material:

    • One end of the material will become a north pole

    • The other end will become a south pole

  • Magnetic materials will always be attracted to a permanent magnet

Induced magnetism

When a magnetic material is positioned near the north pole of a magnet a south pole is formed temporarily at the side closest to the magnet and a north pole formed temporarily at the furthest side. A magnetic material that is held close to the south pole of a magnet a north pole is formed temporarily at the side closest to the magnet and a south pole formed temporarily at the furthest side.
Inducing magnetism in a magnetic material
  • In the image above:

    • The north pole of the permanent magnet induces a south pole in the magnetic material (at the end closest to the magnet)

    • The south pole of the permanent magnet induces a north pole in the magnetic material (at the end clostest to the magnet)

Worked Example

The diagram below shows a magnet held close to a piece of metal suspended by a light cotton thread. The piece of metal is attracted towards the magnet.

A piece of metal is suspended by a thread. One end of the unknown metal , labelled X is close to the south pole of a permanent magnet

Which of the following rows in the table gives the correct type of pole at X and the correct material of the suspended piece of metal?

Type of pole at X

Material of suspended piece of metal













Answer:  A

  • X must be a north pole

    • The piece of metal is being attracted towards the magnet

    • The law of magnetism states that opposite poles attract

  • The material of the suspended piece of metal is nickel

    • Nickel is a magnetic material (it will experience a force when it is placed in a magnetic field, in this case, it is attracted towards the magnet)

  • B is incorrect because X cannot be a south pole (and hence is a north pole)

    • If the pole at X is a south pole then the piece of metal would be repelled from the magnet because the law of magnetism states that like poles repel

  • C and D are incorrect because aluminium is not a magnetic material

    • A non-magnetic material would be unaffected by the magnetic field produced by the magnet

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Ann Howell

Author: Ann Howell

Ann obtained her Maths and Physics degree from the University of Bath before completing her PGCE in Science and Maths teaching. She spent ten years teaching Maths and Physics to wonderful students from all around the world whilst living in China, Ethiopia and Nepal. Now based in beautiful Devon she is thrilled to be creating awesome Physics resources to make Physics more accessible and understandable for all students, no matter their schooling or background.