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Energy Changes in SHM (DP IB Physics: HL)

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Lindsay Gilmour



Energy Changes in SHM

  • During simple harmonic motion, energy is constantly exchanged between two forms:
    • Kinetic energy
    • Potential energy

  • The potential energy could be in the form of: 
    • Gravitational potential energy (for a pendulum)
    • Elastic potential energy (for a horizontal mass on a spring)
    • Or both (for a vertical mass on a spring)

  • The speed of an oscillator is at a maximum when displacement x = 0, so:

The kinetic energy of an oscillator is at a maximum when the displacement is zero

  • This is because kinetic energy is equal to 1 half m v squared so when the oscillator moves at maximum velocity (at the equilibrium position) it reaches its maximum value of kinetic energy

  • Therefore, the kinetic energy is zero at maximum displacement x = x0, so:

The potential energy of an oscillator is at a maximum when the displacement (both positive and negative) is at a maximum, x space equals space plus-or-minus x subscript 0

  • This is because the kinetic energy is transferred to potential energy as the height above the equilibrium position increases
  • A simple harmonic system is therefore constantly converting between kinetic and potential energy
  • When one increases, the other decreases and vice versa, therefore:

The total energy of a simple harmonic system always remains constant

  • The total energy is, therefore, equal to the sum of the kinetic and potential energies


The kinetic and potential energy of an oscillator in SHM vary periodically

The key features of the energy-time graph are:

  • Both the kinetic and potential energies are represented by periodic functions (sine or cosine) which are varying in opposite directions to one another
  • When the potential energy is 0, the kinetic energy is at its maximum point and vice versa
  • The total energy is represented by a horizontal straight line directly above the curves at the maximum value of both the kinetic or potential energy
  • Energy is always positive so there are no negative values on the y axis
  • Note: kinetic and potential energy go through two complete cycles during one period of oscillation
    • This is because one complete oscillation reaches the maximum displacement twice (positive and negative)

Energy graph with displacement, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Potential and kinetic energy v displacement in half a period of an SHM oscillation

  • The key features of the energy-displacement graph:
    • Displacement is a vector, so, the graph has both positive and negative x values
    • The potential energy is always at a maximum at the amplitude positions x0 and zero at the equilibrium position (x = 0)
    • This is represented by a ‘U’ shaped curve
    • The kinetic energy is the opposite: it is zero at the amplitude positions x0 and maximum at the equilibrium position, x = 0
    • This is represented by a ‘n’ shaped curve
    • The total energy is represented by a horizontal straight line above the curves

Calculating Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion

  • Using the expression for the velocity, v, of a simple harmonic oscillator:

v equals negative omega x subscript 0 sin space open parentheses omega t close parentheses

  • The kinetic energy, EK, of an oscillator can be written as:

E subscript K equals 1 half m v squared

E subscript K equals 1 half m open parentheses negative omega x subscript 0 sin space open parentheses omega t close parentheses close parentheses squared

E subscript K equals 1 half m omega squared x subscript 0 squared space sin squared space open parentheses omega t close parentheses

  • Since the maximum value of sin space open parentheses omega t close parentheses or cos space open parentheses omega t close parentheses is 1, maximum kinetic energy is given by:

E subscript K left parenthesis m a x right parenthesis end subscript equals 1 half m omega squared x subscript 0 squared

  • When the kinetic energy of the system is at a maximum, the potential energy is zero
    • Hence this represents the total energy of the system
  • The total energy, ET, of a system undergoing simple harmonic motion is, therefore, defined by:

E subscript T space equals space 1 half m omega squared x subscript 0 squared

  • Where:
    • ET = total energy of a simple harmonic system (J)
    • m = mass of the oscillator (kg)
    • = angular frequency (rad s−1)
    • x0 = amplitude (m)

  • Note: The same expression for total energy will be achieved if the other expression for velocity is used:

v equals omega x subscript 0 cos space open parentheses omega t close parentheses

  • An expression for the potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator can be derived using the expressions for velocity and displacement

x equals x subscript 0 sin space open parentheses omega t close parentheses

v equals omega x subscript 0 cos space open parentheses omega t close parentheses

  • The key to deriving this expression is to use the trigonometric identity:

sin squared space open parentheses omega t close parentheses space plus space cos squared space open parentheses omega t close parentheses space equals space 1

  • In a simple harmonic oscillation, the total energy of the system is equal to:

Total energy = Kinetic energy + Potential energy

E subscript T space equals space E subscript K space plus space E subscript P

  • The potential energy of an oscillator can be written as:

E subscript P space equals space E subscript T space minus space E subscript K

E subscript P equals 1 half m omega squared x subscript 0 squared space minus space 1 half m v squared

E subscript P equals 1 half m omega squared x subscript 0 squared space minus space 1 half m open parentheses negative omega x subscript 0 sin space open parentheses omega t close parentheses close parentheses squared

E subscript P equals 1 half m omega squared x subscript 0 squared space minus space 1 half m omega squared x subscript 0 squared space sin squared space open parentheses omega t close parentheses

  • Taking out a factor of 1 half m omega squared x subscript 0 squared spacegives:

E subscript P equals 1 half m omega squared x subscript 0 squared space open parentheses 1 space minus space sin squared space open parentheses omega t close parentheses close parentheses

E subscript P equals 1 half m omega squared x subscript 0 squared space cos squared space open parentheses omega t close parentheses

E subscript P equals 1 half m omega squared open square brackets x subscript 0 space cos space open parentheses omega t close parentheses close square brackets squared

  • Since x equals x subscript 0 sin space open parentheses omega t close parentheses, the potential energy of the system can be written as:

E subscript P equals 1 half m omega squared x squared

  • Since the maximum potential energy occurs at the maximum displacement of the oscillation, i.e. x equals x subscript 0:

E subscript P left parenthesis m a x right parenthesis end subscript equals 1 half m omega squared x subscript 0 squared

  • Therefore, it can be seen that:

E subscript T space equals space E subscript K left parenthesis m a x right parenthesis end subscript space equals space E subscript P left parenthesis m a x right parenthesis end subscript

Kinetic Energy–Displacement Relation for SHM

  • Using the displacement–velocity relation for SHM:

v equals plus-or-minus omega square root of x subscript 0 squared minus x squared end root

  • Substituting into the equation for kinetic energy:

E subscript K space equals space 1 half m v squared

E subscript K equals 1 half m open parentheses omega square root of x subscript 0 squared minus x squared end root close parentheses squared

  • This leads to the kinetic energy–displacement relation for SHM:

E subscript K equals 1 half m omega squared open parentheses x subscript 0 squared minus x squared close parentheses

Exam Tip

You may be expected to draw as well as interpret energy graphs against time or displacement in exam questions. Make sure the sketches of the curves are as even as possible and use a ruler to draw straight lines, for example, to represent the total energy.

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Lindsay Gilmour

Author: Lindsay Gilmour

Lindsay graduated with First Class Honours from the University of Greenwich and earned her Science Communication MSc at Imperial College London. Now with many years’ experience as a Head of Physics and Examiner for A Level and IGCSE Physics (and Biology!), her love of communicating, educating and Physics has brought her to Save My Exams where she hopes to help as many students as possible on their next steps.