Magnetic Resonance Imaging (AQA A Level Physics)

Revision Note

Dan MG


Dan MG



Principles of MRI Scanning

What is MR Scanning?

  • Magnetic resonance (MR) scanning, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique which takes cross-sectional images of a patient's body
  • The basic principle is that by exposing the patient to a magnetic field, hydrogen nuclei in the body respond, and the location of these responses can be determined
    • This information is then used to show structures in the body (but not how much they are functioning)
  • This makes MR scanning a powerful tool for imaging organs and locating masses, such as tumours, in the body

Cross-Sectional MR Image of the Brain


MRI produces several cross-sectional images that can be used in combination to show the extent of structures throughout the patient's body.

Nuclear spin & precession

  • Hydrogen nuclei (protons) possess a property known as spin
    • When a charge moves, it generates a magnetic field
    • Therefore, the spin of a proton generates a very small magnetic field around it
    • This magnetic field has an associated magnetic moment
  • Protons have two possible spin states, they can either be in a spin up state or a spin down state
  • In the absence of an applied magnetic field:
    • Both spin states of a proton have the same energy
    • Equal numbers of protons occupy one of the two states
    • Therefore, the magnetic moments (the magnetic fields produced by the protons) cancel out
  • However, when a magnetic field is applied:
    • A difference in the energy arises between the two spin states
    • Most protons occupy the lower energy level state
    • Therefore, there is a net magnetic moment which can be detected
  • The two energy states depend on the direction of the proton's magnetic moment:
    • When the magnetic moment is parallel to the applied magnetic field - this is the lower energy level
    • When the magnetic moment is antiparallel to the applied magnetic field - this is the higher energy level
  • Another effect of the applied magnetic field on a proton is precession
  • The spinning protons precess about the direction of the applied field

Precession of a Hydrogen Nucleus

NMRI Precession

The spin axis of a hydrogen nucleus (proton) precesses around the direction of the applied magnetic (like a spinning top toy on a table)

How does MR Scanning Work?

  • MR machines operate on the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), which is

When a proton absorbs a photon of exactly the energy required to flip its spin from a lower energy state (spin up) to a higher energy state (spin down)

  • The tissues in the human body contain more hydrogen nuclei (protons) than any other element
    • Therefore, if all their magnetic fields could be aligned, then nuclear magnetic resonance can be observed
  • The patient lies along the axis of a large solenoid, which generates a very strong uniform magnetic field
  • When the uniform field is applied, the magnetic moments of the nuclei align with the applied field
    • The spinning hydrogen nuclei begin to precess about the direction of the applied magnetic field
  • A pulse of electromagnetic radiation in the radio-frequency (RF) range is emitted which changes the alignment of the spins of the hydrogen nuclei
    • This is an excited state for the hydrogen nuclei

Hydrogen nucleus absorbing an RF Photon10-4-6-mri-spin-flip-absorb-aqa-al-physics-rn

The nucleus in a lower energy spin state (aligned with B) absorbs an RF photon with the exact energy to excite it to the higher energy spin state (aligned against B)

  • The hydrogen nuclei then de-excite, realigning with the external field
    • In this process, they emit photons with the same RF
    • These photons are detected by a ring of detectors

Hydrogen nucleus emitting an RF Photon10-4-6-mri-spin-flip-emit-aqa-al-physics-rn

 The hydrogen proton emits an RF photon as it relaxes to the lower energy spin state

  • Another set of coils generates the gradient field
    • For a given cross-section of the body, this slightly varies the magnetic flux density, B, at different positions
    • This means the hydrogen nuclei emit RF photons with frequencies that depend on the position of the hydrogen protons
  • This information is fed into a computer, which then identifies the density of hydrogen nuclei at each position for a cross-section

Advantages & Disadvantages of MRI Scanning

  • The main advantages of an MRI scan are:
    • It is non-ionising and non-invasive
    • It produces extremely high-resolution images
    • It can diagnose very small differences between cells e.g. cancerous cells
  • The main disadvantages of an MRI scan are:
    • It is a time-consuming procedure which can be uncomfortable for patients
    • It is very expensive

Worked example

During an MRI scan, the torso of of a man in a magnetic field is exposed to pulses of radio frequency photons. 

Summarise the main concept of a magnetic resonance scan which allows this process to produce a cross-sectional image of the man's torso.


Step 1: State the purpose of the radio frequency pulses

  • The magnetic field aligns hydrogen nuclei
  • The radio frequency pulses excite hydrogen nuclei in the man's body

Step 2: Describe the change in the states of the hydrogen nuclei

  • The nuclei de-excite (by changing spin alignment), emitting radio frequency photons

Step 3: Explain how these photons are used to produce the images

  • These signals / photons are detected and passed to a computer

Step 4: Explain how the locations of the protons are found

  • A gradient is applied to the uniform magnetic field
  • Which allows locations of hydrogen nuclei to be determined (based on photon energies)

Exam Tip

Don't just say protons when referring to this process. Hydrogen nuclei or hydrogen protons is fine. All atoms in the body contain protons, but the fact that protons are isolated in hydrogen nuclei allow them to behave in this way. 

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Dan MG

Author: Dan MG

Dan graduated with a First-class Masters degree in Physics at Durham University, specialising in cell membrane biophysics. After being awarded an Institute of Physics Teacher Training Scholarship, Dan taught physics in secondary schools in the North of England before moving to SME. Here, he carries on his passion for writing enjoyable physics questions and helping young people to love physics.